I know, I know, Japanese snack week done been over for a while now, but I still have a ton of leftover snacks which need reviewing, so just sit tight and enjoy the backlog (ayo). Anyways, this is one pack in a series of different fruit-flavored chewy candy snacks. The consistency is similar to Laffy Taffy, but each piece has little bubble tea-like balls all up in it for a sort of flavor / texture bonus. The sour apple flavor is spot on, but the Snack Attack staff was all perplexed as we attempted to identify this flavor:
My second or third guess ended up being right, but we were all over the taste map trying to nail it down. Leave your guess in the comments section and I'll reveal the answer later.
Taste (9) Smooth, fruity, and mysterious.
Packaging (7) Really dope - Smiling fruit, good colors, great type, and awesome subtle printing on the silver candy wrappers.
Overall snackability rating (7) Sour apple is awesome, mystery flavor is very good, but nothing unbelievable.