Theee Casual Male wouldn't eat all the candy in the machine, I could review something like Rollos. Instead you get Junior Mints until "the candy man" reup's our stash. When I was younger, I think I had a bad experience with those peppermint patties (probably ate too many) so I have stayed away from Mint kinda candy. The last couple of months, I have warmed up to the cool flavor. Junior Mints are okay with me, I would rather eat some Sugar Babies instead.
The first thing you must know is that you are being lied to when they say "pure chocolate." If you read the side of the box you will see that they are adding artificial ingredients to their 'pure' chocolate. Guess it all depends on your version of pure (see baby picture above). They are softer than I had remembered, you can squish them easily with your tongue and the roof of your mouth. The mint filling is pretty creamily soothing and goes well with something like coffee. I would not recommend eating them on a hot day, which sadly would be the best time to eat them.
Taste (7) Good thing they are in little bite sized bits, you will get a headache if you eat them all too fast. I know, because I just did it and now have a headache. The taste is pretty okayish when enjoyed with moderation.
Packaging (7) I am really thankful that they have kept their retroish-minimal style. Looks like something you would have eaten in the 60's and that is okay with me. Because we all know most packaging designers are a bunch of loosers with photoshop. Yeah, I said it.
The package gives me all the false information I need to know, and communicates their snacking message to my taste buds.
Overall snackability rating (5) I wouldn't eat these a lot. Only when I am forced to when other people horde the candy. They are not fulfilling at all and can only fill a 'sugar fix.'
this is bullshit.
junior mints are my jam.
i feel like you are my snack nemesis right now and you must prove your taste to me if i will continue to read your opinions on snack foods.
1) put vanilla icecream in a bowl
2) put jr. mints in the bowl.
3) eat the shit out of it.
second suggestion...
1) go to a movie
2) eat jr. mints whilst watching the movie.
best wishes,
steven davis
Easy there killer. I just call it like I see it, like the referee that the crowd hates and boo's at (but he is right). You must understand that these taste buds are snack certified, my friend. I stand firmly behind my 7 rating which is a good rating.
Point taken on the JR Mints in ice cream BUT these are mash-up techniques like putting Milk Dud's with Popcorn.
good point on the snack food mash up stylings. perhaps i need to go back an hit up some jr. mints raw dog before throwing my soft drink at the ref.
keep it crunk,
I have been eating them once a week for the past month because it seems that the snack man is MIA in a major way. I urge you to do the same, get "a pack a week" for a month, then start throwing all the rotten tomatoes you can at my reviews, heh. I am off the sweet snacks for a month because I have been making wayy too many trips to the Stinson Snack Machine.
Someone should review the best soft drinks to throw at referees.
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